Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hanging Up

I often ask myself if there is anyone in the world who looks at themselves in a mirror and doesn't immediately begin to pick apart their body, criticize their own face, or wish away their hairstyle. And that question doesn't just apply to body image. We all get on our own case for not making it to the gym, for eating that third (or fourth) slice of pizza, for not getting to everything on our desk today. It's an exhausting and debilitating habit. How can any of us ever make progress or feel truly happy if we're always doing the whole negative self-talk thing?

I have been particularly negative over the last couple weeks. This long, drawn-out Minnesota winter is finally getting to me and making me feel like an angst-y teen. I'm so tired of cloudy skies and cold temps, and it's drastically affecting my mood and motivation to take care of my body, mind, and soul. My roommate and dear friend, Maria, sat me down last night and had to practically shake me out of my funk. Her solution to my problem was simple:

Stop listening to the voice inside your head that tells you, "You can't. You'll never get there. You don't look the way you want to." And start telling a different story. 

DUH! Such simple advice. I imagined the negative voice inside my head as though it were a pesky telemarketer who keeps calling and never gets the hint. Every time that voice comes into my head and tries to knock me down a few pegs, I'm going to tell her to stop calling and simply HANG UP THE PHONE! It is so easy to talk to ourselves or to others about things that drag us down and make us feel like less than our radiant, beautiful selves. 

I love the attached quote by Rita Schiano. Let's work on breaking that habit! Next time someone asks you how you're doing today, avoid the bad stuff. Talk about your biggest joys, your greatest accomplishments, how excited you are that you finally got to wear that new pair of shoes, or try a new workout for the first time. If you start sharing the things that make you happy, rather than those that make you feel crummy, you'll be amazed by the changes that begin to happen!

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